Friday, September 7, 2007

PPC Management Strategies & Google's Ad Scheduling

By Clay Sinclair

Google's Ad Scheduling can be used for much more than just day
parting. This article reveals how to use Google's

Ad Scheduling for Campaing Level Bid Management! Continue reading
for effective Pay Per
Click Management
Strategies using this powerful tool!

Suggested Strategy:

Using Google's Ad Scheduling tool you now have the flexibility to
ramp up your bids on certain days and times or

decrease your bids on certain days and times. This can be
extremely powerful if you have the data to back up your

day parting / bidding settings. For example - if you're campaigns
are running on a set monthly budget then it's

imperative that each of those dollars counts. If you know what
your best converting days are or even the best times of each day,
then why not use this feature to dominate ad positions at those
critical times?

That's just one of many strategies you can employ with this
powerful tool - be creative!

Step 1 - Campaign Settings.

Log into your Adwords
account - select the campaign(s) to edit - click on the Edit
Settings button.

Step 2 - Locate the Ad Scheduling Feature.

Once inside the Campaign Setting window - scroll down to the
Advanced Options section - Ad Scheduling lives here.

Step 3 - Open the Ad Scheduling feature by clicking the

This opens the actual Calendar View for the day parting
feature. (Wouldn't this be nice if Google made this a Monthly

Step 4 - Enter "Advanced Mode".

Notice a "% of Bid" column was added. This allows you to
Increase or Decrease your bids in percentage increments.

Step 5 - Edit your settings.

Now you can edit your day parting schedule AND your bids all in
a single interface. This tool allows you to edit each day
individually, by the entire week, week days only or weekends only.

When your finished making your edits simply save your changes and
your ready to go. Remember, if this is a strategy to capitalize on
the last few days of the month when your competitors ads don't
appear due to their budgets capping out, don't forget to log back in
on the first of the month to reset these settings.

For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

And don’t forget the
PPC Case Study linked in the footer of the site!

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