By: Clay Sinclair
What is a Conversion?:
A conversion is the result of a user taking the action on your site such as a sale, completed contact form, phone call or email.
How are Conversion Rates Calculated?:
This is simply done by dividing the number of actions (sale, completed lead forms, phone calls, etc.) and dividing that number by the amount of clicks. Remember, dividing the small number by the big number give you a percentage. So, lets say you want to figure your conversion rates for the day and you had 27 sales and received a total of 1500 clicks. Simply divide 27 by 1500 (27 / 1500) to get a conversion rate of 1.8% (avg. conversion rate)
Paid Search and Your Website:
You know how it is around tax season when you drive by the local H&R Block and there's someone standing out by the road with a goofy uncle Sam costume on waving a sign around to get you to come inside? That's a pretty good analogy of whatpay per click advertising is. We're putting a sign out there relevant to a keyword in efforts to get some of that traffic to come to your business. Now, effective PPC Management will take that user to the best page on the site according to the keyword searched - the equivalent of taking them to the best salesman in the store for a specific product. Now it's up to your site to make the sale.
Website Sales and Usability:
If your conversion rates are low - below 2%, you may have some usability problems. Some common problems we see occur during the Check Out process. Do you require the user to create an account? This is a Huge Turn Off for most internet buyers. Give the user to either set up an account for faster check out the next time they buy from your site OR to check out without creating an account. Remember, the least amount of clicks to the sale the better.
Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.
For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!
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