Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Partial Words in Your Favor

Clay Sinclair

In PPC Advertising, partial keywords are definitely a plus in your favor. Most words in any language are abbreviated. While some abbreviations have unique meanings from the full word, most do not. For instance, lab and laboratory can be interchangeable. Common abbreviations are always welcome in PPC Advertising.

Every industry is quite unique. Before contacting your PPC professional, ask yourself, what full size terms can be minimized? What slang keywords, if any, can be minimized for a PPC campaign? If there are industry abbreviations (keywords shorten, only known in your industry) please let us know. This information will only make your PPC Management stronger.

A suggestion is to create your own partial keywords for Pay Per Click Management. If there are abbreviations that you can link to you industry, don’t fight it—do it! Acronyms are also great for PPC campaigns. If someone doesn’t know what the acronym is and the rest of the PPC message is intriguing, the potential customer is bound to stay. If the searcher is aware of the acronym, it’s even easier for him/her to click and see what you have to offer.

Using both full and partial keywords are sure to work in your favor. You could be the very first in you industry to you express yourself with partial keywords in PPC Management.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Monday, October 29, 2007

PPC Advertising/Bumper Stickers

Clay Sinclair

Look how closely PPC Management relates to bumper stickers. Yes, I said bumper stickers. They’re quick, easy to read, and more focused than the most elaborate advertising set-ups ... Read the entire PPC Advertising/Bumper Stickers article here.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Friday, October 26, 2007

Google's PPC Algorithm

Clay Sinclair

Google’s algorithm associated with PPC does several different things. It determines the keyword relevancy to the ad copy and website and the ad copy relevancy to the website. Google also measures the time spent on a website (from the time the ad is clicked to the time the user returns to Google to continue searching for the same or similar keywords.) They also measure conversion rates of sites via Google conversion tracking. All of these elements determine a keyword’s quality score (along with click thru rates as well).

Algorithms + Pay Per Click = Profit

Look up the term “algorithm” in the dictionary and you find that it means “rules for solving a problem.” Google uses algorithms to solve problems of relating the proper keywords: where to place them, which keywords work, how and when they should be placed. Your actual profit comes from several directions of the algorithm.

Google, as a search engine, has to measure the relevancy of the keyword to your ad and the website. It also measures the relevancy of the ad copy to the website. For example, if you have a website totally dedicated to football, but your PPC Advertising only uses the term “ball”, the search engine is more likely to rank “ball” lower than “football”. You have to consider terms that are both the normal and that are outside the normal.

Parents measure how well their child does in school by his/her homework and report cards. Google and the other search engines measure how well your site does by how much time is spent visiting the site (from the first click) and the users that return to the site. What do your PPC Management and your site say about your business/organization.

Monitor your conversion rates. Google’s conversation tracking gives you a first hand account of how well the PPC Advertising is helping your overall site. Ask your Pay Per Click Management professional about the quality score of all of your keywords. This will help determine your competition and find out your projected profit margin.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sabotage PPC?

Clay Sinclair

Competition means to beat out the other competition of a game or event, open-mindedly, carefully, and most often ethically. You’ll quickly come to find that some competitors are not ethical—at all—they just want to wear the halo. While it may be easy, it’s also very deceitful to sabotage PPC advertising.

In reading Search Engine Promotion Help, there are four major ways a company or organization can hinder or sincerely hurt your Pay Per Click Advertising. Before you read this article (which is about SEO but relates to PPC), make sure you know your enemies and keep them close. Once you’ve established that, study trends and see how their PPC campaign operates. Make notes about their PPC Management such as how the PPC keywords are used, what times, and why.

Now, read the article. This is one basic article you’ll want to give special attention. One of the rules in this article is to keep all of your company’s necessary information out of the public eye. It’s easy to write a riveting article or abstract for your PPC Management but the words used can be keywords for destruction.

Discuss any concerns you have with your PPC Advertising professional. Do not take this matter into your own hands. Once you’ve crossed this bridge, you’ll know how to avoid sabotage.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at mailto:info@ppce.net?subject=RSS

Saturday, October 20, 2007

PPC Management Balancing Act

By: Clay Sinclair

Effective Pay Per Click Management hinges on several variables that are sometimes out of our control. Since there are so many ingredients involved in formulating that winning combination of keywords, ad copy, landing pages and budgets, the mix often becomes blurry. Here's what I mean ...

Scenario 1. After a PPC Campaign is optimized and delivering excellent results, the client - 9 times out of 10 - will want to spend more ... which is great! However, sometimes the client is in a niche industry and is only selling 1 product or service. In this case, spending more isn't an option for growth because in order to spend more (in efforts to make more), the optimization setting on the campaign will have to be undone.

Scenario 2. Some clients have many items for sale on their website - and vast resources of cash to throw at it. However, due to competition, pricing, availability of the item or poor website conversion rates - achieving a favorable ROAS (or ROI) often involve not being able to spend the entire monthly budget. When optimization settings are undone or even altered they risk tanking their ROI (ROAS) stats.

Scenario 3. In the beginning stages of PPC Marketing many companies have limited budgets at first, but have thousands of keywords / products. This is a case where their budgets don't support their keyword bank (amount of keywords in the account). This forces Google to sporadically show their ads throughout the day to provide ample coverage of their ads based on their daily ad spend limits.

So what is the solution to all of these scenarios? That's a great question in that no two PPC Campaigns are alike. To impose a cookie cutter solution to any of these problems could result in devastating results. Each case needs to be analyzed from both a Pay Per Click Management perspective as well as from a business perspective. When those two aspects are included in the problem solving process the outcome is often times favorable and profitable.

As PPC Managers, we owe it to our clients to give them the facts and sometimes the hard truth. But in the long run, if your motives are pure (not making excuses) your clients will respect you and continue the business relationship.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Should the Government Monitor the Pay Per Click Industry

By: Clay Sinclair

This is a tough question to answer. Most of the information posted on the internet, true or fiction, is based upon the first amendment—free speech ... Read the entire Should the Government Monitor the Pay Per Click Industry article here.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Friday, October 12, 2007

Talk To Your Clients for Inspiration

By: Clay Sinclair

Working on the same campaigns for different clients, but the same industry ... Read the entire article here.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Invest in Tomorrow

By: Clay Sinclair

Yes, children will lead the way, but where exactly are they leading us, the current professionals? I don’t want to end up just anywhere with an obituary that reads “He had the best PPC campaigns. He’ll be missed.” If you teach the young professionals of tomorrow, your Pay Per Click Management can only get better.

Have a talk with your children, nieces, nephew or even the neighbor’s children. Explain to them the importance of learning how to navigate a formal Pay Per Click campaign and the profit behind it. It’s easy to learn, but dedication and open mindedness is most important; all industries are unique. To learn the essentials of PPC Advertising allows the young professional to get ahead of everyone else.

The internet is fairly new and changing faster than I can type. Any new PPC professional has to be ready for anything. As they learn in class about the internet, Google, and how to visit and change sites, they should also know WHY they’re able to see certain sites on the first page. A school will not explain to your grade school student or high school student the most generic basics of Pay per Click. Take this case into your own hands.

We all want our children to make a difference, and at the same time be able to support themselves. Developing the most profitable, clean, attention-getting Pay Per Click Advertising campaign for a company or organization is most certainly a way to get yourself recognized. If your child decides to build campaigns by him/herself you’ll be proud to know that you gave your child the first stepping stone for success.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hey! How Do I Get THEIR Rankings?

By: Clay Sinclair

Have you ever seen companies that seem to gracefully glade to the first slot on the first page of Google? Ever wonder how that particular company got there? Read the entire article here.

Pay Per Click Edge:
For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Thursday, October 4, 2007

PPC vs Paid Link

By: Clay Sinclair

Pay Per Click is a complete advertising management system to coordinate online profitability with the proper design, keywords, and timing. Professionals, individuals and companies, are qualified to examine and review the proper details and ethics for online advertising. The actual work of PPC Advertising is conducted and monitored by dedicated professionals.

Paid links are second best, at best. If you’re purchasing paid links, you’re buying the content of strictly opinionate individuals who own the position of determining gaining the rankings your company should have or want. These companies add highly rated keywords or links to the copy, post it online and wait for the results.

Which system is better? Pay Per Click Advertising, of course! Most of the search engines are monitoring the original text links associated with Pay Per Click and the second hand online advertising. If detected, there will most likely be high consequences to pay—penalized and/or banned.

If you’d like to know more about Pay Per Click Management and how to avoid being second best, contact PPCE.net. We’re dedicated PPC professionals who are ethical and honor the full value of text links. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss the difference between PPC and paid links.

Pay Per Click Edge:

For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Combine Usability and PPC Advertising

By: Clay Sinclair

One sure way to find out how well your audience responds your company or organization is usability testing for your PPC Management. This type of testing determines how well a normal group of uses your service or product. This group is not a specific audience, but individuals who see your PPC advertisement and want to know more. It’s considered a controlled experiment by the keywords, phrases, and graphics (if any) are used. If there are certain words that people respond to better than others, continue to use them. Usability allows you to control everything about your campaign and see what your audience wants.

Wait and watch to see how many times the audience clicks on a particular keyword or phrase. A suggestion is to use the synonym of those particular key words and phrases. They have the same meaning, but you’re watching to see if the audience accepts them the same way. Your PPC Advertising will develop into a profitable business.

The audience response will decide your next move. Errors easily escape our eyes and ears (if the campaign is read aloud). A misspelled word here or an improper graphic there—when it seems right to the designer/creator—can wreak havoc. Start your campaign with a basic amount in the PPC Advertising campaign, not too high, and learn of any errors for low rankings.

If this is not your first PPC Advertising campaign, study your past designs and see what errors are correctable. What can be changed in current and future Pay Per Click campaigns as not to repeat past errors? If this is your first campaign in PPC Management, let PPCE help you connect, carefully and wisely, with all audiences.

Pay Per Click Edge:

For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The War of Search

By: Clay Sinclair

There’s Iraq, the Cold War and even Vietnam, but nothing can prepare you for the Search Engine War going on now. No, this is not something completely new. Yes, there is expected to be rivalry between search engines, but an all out war??? Is this so-called war about the individuals who use the internet or the almighty dollar? What does this mean for the art of Pay Per Click Advertising?

In articles that discuss Search Wars, there is undeniable competition between all of the search engines. What’s intriguing is the way it’s affecting natural and Pay Per Click search. Pay Per Click Management came to life in efforts for a search engine to save itself. The others joined and recognized the value of Pay Per Click Advertising as quickly as they could.

With SEO being an all natural way to search, a Pay Per Click war is less likely. PPC Management is paid advertising where everyone who is involved in search decides how changes are made. Because the terms you getting are also paid for, it’s less likely for a Pay Per Click war to happen among the search engines. One engine would have to have a monopoly with certain terms and that just will not happen.

There’s no reason to fight or to have war with one another. Pay per click management, if carefully guided, will remain a positive, dominant force in the world of Information Technology (or Search). For Pay Per Click Advertising, this means a chance to indefinitely help your industry and related industries develop into much more than a business.

Pay Per Click Edge:

For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!

Contact PPCE today at 888.451.6063 or email us at info@ppce.net

Monday, October 1, 2007

Details of Pay Per Click Management

PPC Management is much like the stock market, except an outrageously better return on your investment. Keep reading; let me explain. The keywords and phrases chosen for your pay per click account act like the stocks and bonds chosen for a Wall Street portfolio. The stocks go up when the public or enough of the public decides on certain criteria for the stock.

If the fields have a great orange harvest and pork bellies continue to grow—the stock goes up. If not, the profit for commodities slowly declines or does not grow at all. The same is true for pay per click marketing. Keywords, or buzz words, must link to your audience, for your harvest.

Pay per click advertising gives you control to determine that harvest. Ideally and cautiously, use your current audience to dictate future growth. Ask your PPC manager: how and what key phrases to change or delete from campaign? In my industry, will my SEO and PPC management work collectively? Are there any specific PPC trends that apply before choosing my keywords?

So much pay per click management, so much time. The details of PPC are great, the results are astonishing. There are too many details to go through in this small article; call PPCE to find out what pay per click campaign is right for your company.

Pay Per Click Edge:

For an impressive look at PPCE and their capabilities, review their PPC Management Proven Success page.

For a look at PPCE's Pay Per Click Management approach check out their Services page!